Demographic patterns of a Wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) population in Tuscany, Italy

L. Boitani, P. Trapanese, L. Mattei


1253 wild boars, killed during seven hunting seasons between 1984 and 1991, were aged from tooth eruption and tooth wear. Annual age and sex pyramids were computed. The overall structure of the sample showed that 52%of the killed wild boars was 7-22 months old, while the sex ratio was slightly unbalanced in favour of males (1:0.85). The reproductive tracts of a portion of sows (73%) were analysed and corpora lutea and embryos were counted. The pre-natal sex ratio showed a preponderance of female fetuses (1:1.2). Further data on age-specific corpora lutea, embryos and piglets/female ratio were recorded for each year of the study. Figures from annual life and reproductive tables were used to evaluate age-specific mortality, survival, longevity, mean expectation of further life,reproduction and recruitment.

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Journal of Mountain Ecology
The Journal of Mountain Ecology is an OPEN ACCESS peer reviewed journal published by the Gran Paradiso National Park.