Structure and monthly birth distribution of a Wild boar population living in mountainous environment

P. Durio, U. Gallo Orsi, E. Macchi, A. Perrone


328 wild boars (Sus scrofa) killed during the hunting seasons 1986 - 1992 in two valleys in the South Western part of Piedmont (Italy) were analyzed. The animals were aged by tooth eruption and wear and the age/sexpyramid was built. Average age of females and males was respectively 17.3 months and 15.2 months. About 76% ofthe sample was constituted by animals up to 2 years old. 118 animals (under 18 months old) were aged also by eyelensweight thus allowing to estimate the birth date and to calculate the monthly birth distribution: 56% of births took place between April and July.

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Journal of Mountain Ecology
The Journal of Mountain Ecology is an OPEN ACCESS peer reviewed journal published by the Gran Paradiso National Park.