Enteric microflora in italian Chiroptera

C. Di Bella, C. Piraino, S. Caracappa, L. Fornasari, C. Violani, B. Zava


The authors present data obtained by bacteriological analyses of faeces collected, under sterility conditions, from 89 individual bats belonging to the following species: Myotis daubentoni (7), Myotis capaccinii (22), Myotis myotis (10), Pipistrellus kuhli (17), Miniopterus schreibersi (25), and Tadarida teniotis (8). The bats were collected from colonies in Lombardy, Emilia Romagna, Latium and Sicily. The analyses so far conducted have revealed the presence of 26 bacterial species, none of which is pathogenic to humans.

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Journal of Mountain Ecology
The Journal of Mountain Ecology is an OPEN ACCESS peer reviewed journal published by the Gran Paradiso National Park.