Relative abundances of peccaries in areas of different human pressures within the Beni Biosphere Reserve, Bolivia

R.L.E. Painter, R.B. Wallace, D. Pickford


Relative abundances were compared for two species of peccary (Tayassu pecari and T. tajacu) and four species of diurnal primates (Ateles paniscus chamek, Cebus apella, Saimiri sciureus boliviensis and Alouatta seniculus) inthe Beni Biosphere Reserve, Bolivia. The study area was divided into three zones based on differences in type andintensity of human interference. Patterns of abundance for different species are discussed relative to human uses inthe three zones.

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Journal of Mountain Ecology
The Journal of Mountain Ecology is an OPEN ACCESS peer reviewed journal published by the Gran Paradiso National Park.