Biometric data and growth rates of a Wild boar population living in the Italian Alps

U. Gallo Orsi, E. Macchi, A. Perrone, P. Durio


From 328 wild boars (Sus scrofa) killed during the 1986-1992 hunting seasons (end of September - early December) the following body variables were measured: full body weight (kg), total length (cm), shoulder height (cm), length of metatarsus (cm) and length of the mandible (mm). Animals were aged from tooth eruption and wear and six age classes were established. The regression curve of the variables for each sex was calculated; the regression fits a multiplicative model y=ax^b. The males show higher r and r values than females for every variable. This indicates that males show smaller variability due to sexual selection for bigger and stronger animals.

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Journal of Mountain Ecology
The Journal of Mountain Ecology is an OPEN ACCESS peer reviewed journal published by the Gran Paradiso National Park.