Use of spotlights for capturing Wild boar (Sus scrofa L.)
The implementation of a radio-tracking programme for Wild boar (Sus scrofa L.) required the trapping of entire groups. Prior to their actual capture, the wild boars were observed with a specially-devised “visual capture” technique allowing to obtain data on group structure and to identify previously marked individuals. wild boars were captured in portable box traps (2 m x 1 m x 1 m) with drop gates. The number of box traps required for capturing a group was conditional to the number of animals and their aggressivity. An infrared range detection system warned the observer that the animals were approaching the traps. For night-lighting the boars we used a 50 or 100W spotli- ght placed in front of the traps, that could be switched on from a closed vehicle, parked some 60 m away. The ani- mals reacted the same to both yellow and white light. 84.5% of the individuals did not react at all when the light turned on, 10% left but came back in less than 5’, and only 5.5% left the place for good. As soon as all the members of the group were identified and entered the traps, they were captured by closing the gates simultaneously. Although this method is labor-intensive, it gives much information on the ethology of the species.
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